Can anyone think of another reason why “insight” is important?
The use of visualization in the analysis of pollution and air flows in
Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia in 1812 By Jacque Minard
Visualization Applications
Visualization Applications
Visualization Applications
Visualization Applications
Visualization Applications
Data Visualization Process
When do you think about visualizing your data?
Data Visualization Process
Visualization Process
Visualization Process
Why do we care?
Why do you/we care?
When should you think about visualizing your data?
Scientific Visualization
Scientific Visualization Pipeline
Scientific Visualization Pipeline
Produce Data
Scientific Visualization Pipeline
Analyze, Filter, Reformat
Apply SciVis Techniques
Map to Geometry
Render, Post Process
View Results
Visualization Scales with HPC
Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
Introduction to Scientific Visualization Using
Multi-platform parallel data analysis and visualization application
Open Source . . . It’s Free!
Supported Data Types
(Gp:) Curvilinear – regularly gridded mesh shaping function applied
(Gp:) Unstructured grid – irregular mesh typically composed of tetrahedra, prisms, pyramids, or hexahedra
Point data
ParaView 5.0.0
Sanity Check
Tutorial Datasets
What are we going to do?
User Interface
Open Data File: RectGrid2.vtk
Sample rectilinear grid
Create Isosurfaces
Create Isosurface
Should see
Select the value in the Value Range window
Click OK
Should see
Should see
Step 1
Summary of Steps
Clip Isosurfaces
Clip isosurfaces
Create a new Clip filter:
If you do not see the clipping plane click the properties button
Position the clipping Plane
When done: Click Apply
Click the Inside Out box to switch the clipping plane
Inside Out feature
Summary of Steps
Slice Isosurfaces
Make visible
Slice isosurface
Should see
Position the slicing plane (move arrow point to desired position)
You can move the slicing plane along the axis to see a different slice
Summary of Steps
What have we done?
Let’s try a more complex data set
In preparation for the next section
Locate File: headsq.vti
New Object in Pipeline Browser
Should see a bounding box in the 3D viewer window
Create an Isosurface
A new object appeared in the pipeline browser (Contour 1)
Value Range for the data set is now visible
Value Range for the data set is [ 0, 4095 ]
If you do not see anything in the 3D window click the eye icon next to Contour1 in the Pipeline Browser
Visually Explore Dataset
Visually Explore Dataset
You should be here
This may take a few seconds to render . . .
Explore the rendering . . .
You should be here . . .
Explore the data set
Reset Values
You should be here
Clip Isosurface
Clip Isosurface
Clip Isosurface
Clip Isosurface
Clip Isosurface
Clip Isosurface
Inside Out Property
Slice Isosurface
Slice Isosurface
Rotated View
SLICE – Intersects the geometry with a plane. The effect is similar to clipping except that all that remains is the geometry where the plane is located.
Many Options to Save Your Work
Save Your Work
Save Your Work
Save Your Work
Save Your Work
In preparation for the next section
Getting Your Data Into VTK File Format
Supported Data Formats
VTK Simple Legacy Format
Simulated Temperature
vtk Format
vtk Format
vtk Format
vtk Format
Sample Data File
Open data file (the file that you just created and saved