PRACE Autumn School 2013 - Industry Oriented Simulations
High Performance Computing of gas turbine flows: current and future trends
Dr. Nicolas Gourdain, CERFACS, Dr. Michel Gazaix, ONERA, University of Ljubljana
September 2013
Slide contents
energy = combustion
Why such flows are so challenging for CFD
The players: codes and humans
2000 people in three centers
CERFACS has seven shareholders
elsA - a structured code for aerodynamics
AVBP - an unstructured code for reactive flows
these CFD codes are not commercial software with HMI
they are used to design this
they are used to design this or this
a large range of aeronautics
what does more CPU power really mean for industry
data from
turbulence is not CFD-friendly
numerical simulation and industry
how to predict turbulance
examples of numerical results
parallel computing efficiency -1
parallel computing efficiency -2
why my parallel efficiency can be so bad
mesh-partitioning and load balancing -examples of algorithms -1
mesh-partitioning and load balancing -examples of algorithms -2
mesh-partitioning and load balancing -examples of algorithms -3
let's talk about real life
mesh-partitioning and load balancing -real life is complicated for CFD
communication strategies -MPI
communication strategies -AVBP-1
communication strategies -AVBP-2
communication strategies -AVBP-3
another example
communication strategies -elsA-1
communication strategies -elsA-2
communication strategies -elsA-1
communication strategies -elsA-2
communication strategies -elsA-3
communication strategies -it is mandatory to reduce...
let's start with some HPC bottlenecks..
multi-physics in real gas turbine
mesh partitioning for structured mesh:impact of ghost cell-1
mesh partitioning for structured mesh:impact of ghost cell-2
parallel computing:load-balancing with multi-phase flows
mesh partitioning: the influence of particles-1
mesh partitioning: the influence of particles-2
quality assessment
quality assessment-communication strategy:MPI non-blocking calls-1
quality assessment-communication strategy:MPI non-blocking calls-2
quality assessment-communication strategy:MPI non-blocking calls-3
quality assessment-impact of rounding errors on LES-1
quality assessment-impact of rounding errors on LES-2
how CFD and HPC can help to design better products-overview1
how CFD and HPC can help to design better products-overview2
LES for combustion chambers -target configuration
simulation of thermo-acoustic instabilities
LES for combustion chambers
Ignition process in combustion chamber
simulation of compressor instabilities
simulation of compressor instabilities -surge cycle simulation
LES in a compressor stage
DNS for turbines
LES of jet noise and control-1
LES of jet noise and control-2
quantification of uncertainy -1
quantification of uncertainy -2